Every one experiences fear at one point in their life’s journey. It is something that influences decisions for good and for bad; and one’s attitude towards it can determine success or failure. For members of the LinkedIn community David Alto is well known for providing Resume, LinkedIn, and Interview Coaching services specializing in getting his clients past the evil resume bots.
He is ranked number fourty six out of one hundred and twenty plus ‘Rising Stars and Upcoming LinkedIn Influencers.’ David is very interactive on the professional social media platform and is valued for his positioning statement:” Advancing business with personal solutions.”
It is interesting to note that with the exception of previous reference literature on the topic, he wrote the entire seventy-eight-page book on a six-hour flight from Orlando to Seattle!
He uses his own experience to show how to tackle fear, embrace failure, confidence and imposter syndrome.
David’s book; “The Fear of Confidence” explains what fear is, why it occurs, its effect on our lives and also how to deal with it positively. He explains that we first need to accept that it is something that will happen, we can collect our thoughts, journal our experiences and have the will to resist pride in order to make the right decisions.
In addressing the topic, pertinent sincere self-help questions are asked in the book which will aid in developing a plan of attack to battle any tendencies. A Fear and Confidence engagement link is then provided for readers where they can post these question and even answers if they would like David to be their accountability coach.
One of the exciting things that David does in the book is to seek the opinion of his friends who share their expertise on various areas around fear and confidence as well as outlining solutions to some common problems that may arise out of this kind of experience.
Anxiety and pride are very much related to fear. This is thoroughly discussed in the book with practical examples to empower individuals in gaining their self-esteem back.
Through nature, faith, diet, music and many other techniques prescribed in helping to reduce stress, readers are assured of value in well-being by the time they finish reading “The Fear of Confidence.”
In case you would like to know the story on how David defeats fear and quits his day job to officially become self-employed, he elaborately tells it in Chapters seven and eight of the book.
David ends the content beautifully by saying that “Life is way too short to allow fear to rule us and I hope you now have a better understanding of how to attack that fear when it arrives, because it will and when it does you’re going to attack it head on and with a smile.”
Albeit being the first book that he has written, David’s several articles have been published in MarketWatch, Daily Herald – Suburban Chicago’s Information Source, SNN, Fox34 News, NCN, and WBOC CBS.
We are all confronted with fear; be it in our thoughts, words or actions and we are bound to reveal this somehow. If you are interested in tackling this using a head-on with practical self-help remedies, then I highly recommend that you get a copy of “The Fear of Confidence” here.
Follow David Alto on LinkedIn and benefit from the platform he provides to empower and promote talent; as well as experiences of those looking to accomplish their career goals in order to excel in their profession.
Review by: Theresa R. Fianko
Image Attribution: David Alto
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