France, acting as the 2022-2023 Chair of the Global Forum on Migration and Development is set to host the 14th Summit of the GFMD in Geneva from 23 to 25 January 2024.
This high-level event, marking the conclusion of the French Chairmanship of the GFMD, will be held at the Geneva International Conference Centre.
The Summit will revolve around the central theme of: “The impact of climate change on human mobility” articulated with a cross-cutting approach through other thematic priorities.
The programmeand agendas of the Summit include roundtable discussions, thematic and networking sessions, side events, as well as exhibitions, tech garden and marketplace of ideas.
The programme of the Summit Roundtables includes the following thematic priorities:
• Roundtable 1: The Impact of climate change on human mobility: preventive action, humanitarian action and development.
• Roundtable 2: Rights and migration: working to ensure the health, safety and rights of migrants.
• Roundtable 3: Diasporas as actors of economic, social and cultural development.
• Roundtable 4: Labour migration: promoting the economic inclusion of migrants.
• Roundtable 5: Improving the perception of migration in public opinion through narratives, culture, emotion and rational discourse.
• Roundtable 6: Multi-level governance: bringing together stakeholders for improved migration management.
The idea of creating a global consultative forum on Migration and Development was proposed by Mr. Kofi Annan, former Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN), at the first High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development (HLD) held on 14-15 September 2006 during the UN General Assembly.
The GFMD then hosted its first Summit meeting in 2007 under the direction of the first GFMD Chair, Belgium. The GFMD has since remained as the largest informal, non-binding, voluntary and government-led process, bringing together expertise from all regions and countries at all stages of economic, social and political development.
For more information, kindly visit the GFMD Website.
Source: Global Forum on Migration and Development’s WEBSITE.
Image Attribution: Global Forum on Migration and Development’s WEBSITE.