A Monthly Inspirational Viewpoint of Life’s Journeys with Sonia Wignall.
Episode Twenty – Nine
In the Bible there is a story of the 10 virgins waiting for the marriage banquet hall to open so they may all enter. Five of the virgins were prepared, five were not.
While waiting the oil of the five unprepared ran out. They asked the other five for some oil. They were told no. With no other choice, they left to get more oil. The banquet door opened when they were gone, and closed before they returned. They missed the opportunity. They were unprepared.
This story is a powerful reference that can describe the power and preparation of cultivating peace.
As part of a global group of women called to prayer, I must remind myself that all is well. Not perfect but well. It certainly can be much worse. I must focus my mind in gratitude for all I do have.
As we approach 2025, we cannot imagine or control what 2025 will bring to our communities, nation or globally; but we can be prepared with our peace lamps full of oil.
This year we voted on who we thought would lead us better. We have experienced the outcomes of elections, yet, we have absolutely no guarantee of how the elected leaderships will unfold, or what we will face globally.
But step into 2025, we must nonetheless.
Like a woman in labor, we cannot stop the baby from coming or send the baby back into the canal. The expectant mom must continue to push through whether she is ready or not. The five virgins with the oil waited in expectation, not knowing the experience of the marriage hall, or when the doors would be open, but they were prepared, in peace to wait.
Sustaining peace will be a challenge if we have not cultivated, or conditioned ourselves to be at peace, or live in peace. Or if we are unprepared to manage our emotions peacefully.
A spirit of gratitude should be our daily bread. Gratitude helps us cultivate peace.
A friend once told me “a lack of peace is too expensive”, so she mindfully and intentionally practices peaceful living.
Wow, If we understood the costs of “lack of peace”, on our physical wellbeing we too would be mindful and better stewards of our peace. Some believe money, or more of it will bring peace, for others it is material possessions, a different situational outcome, or a life elevation that they believe will make the difference. Yet with all the titles, money or material possessions, many people still have no peace. In fact they are the perpetual manufacturers of chaos, anger, bitterness, stress, etc in their lives and the lives of others around them. They have not cultivated a spirit of gratitude.
In his book “ Deadly Emotions”, author Don Colbert, shares how “Destructive emotions” can have toxic effects on the body and result in a wide range of serious illnesses – hypertension, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, irritable bowel syndrome, and even some types of cancer.
In other words many of the diseases we suffer from can be prevented, if not managed better if we can learn and practice how to effectively manage our emotions.
Imagine the life cycle and peace within our children if we taught them, and modeled for them how to manage their emotions. How to set boundaries, self-care, and live in gratitude.
The choice is ours, we can continue on the path we are on, or intentionally choose a healthier path of peace.
With simple and intentional practices of gratitude and peace, no matter what happens in 2025, the costs for us will not be too “expensive”. We will be prepared.
“No medicine exist that can cure hatred”
“If there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do no harm.”
African Proverb
“Peace, the most valuable gift we can give this Holiday Season, to ourselves and others.”

Sonia M. Wignall
Born in Havana Cuba, she is Co-Founder/ Chair, Diaspora Global Foundation, a STEM Education organisation. She holds a BA from Stony Brook University, and studied at the Columbia University, Executive MBA program. She writes a monthly column for Diaspora Digital News.
***Note: “I do not give permission for my writings to be used for AI purposes or content, unless my name is shown, without alterations, as writer.