A Monthly Inspirational Viewpoint of Life’s Journeys with Sonia Wignall
Episode Fifteen
Accepting responsibility is one of the noble deeds of life, that brings great promise of reward. Yet it is one of the most difficult things to do, especially in circumstances that will make us look and or feel vulnerable.
The humility of saying “I was wrong”, or “that was my responsibility”, or “I am sorry” are powerful tools of mindfulness, strength, leadership and courage.
It removes the burden of lying to cover and fear of defeat. It places the invisible enemy of our soul in gridlock and makes his influence over us powerless.
I once heard a mom share how she apologized to her young son, and how great she felt so humbled before him. Yes, she apologized to her son which at the time was less than 4 years old.
Practicing accepting responsibility not only raises our consciousness, but keeps us mindful that we too are part of the problem, and can be part of the solution.
The practice of intentional change is a responsibility. Looking at who we are, how we show up, and the work needed to change our narrative and atmosphere is a choice we have as free agents. Beyond our childhood years, we can no longer see ourselves as victims without choices.
As a race and a people gifted with innumerable talents, and opportunities, we must raise our capacity to meet and conquer the challenges at hand. We cannot use 10 per cent of our brain power and resources, then hold out our hands for someone else to do the rest of the work for us.
This limited mindset and pattern must change. Not only for ourselves, but for our children, and the generations behind them that will follow.
Many marriages have ended because one or both spouses failed to take responsibility. Friendships and business relationships have also met the same fate because of our failure to take responsibility and be held accountable.
We are faced with a generation of talented youth that are lacking counsel, direction and success tools, because we have failed to teach and model responsibility to them. Although they have the capacity, they are untrained and consequently unprepared to be parents, teachers, role models, innovators and contributors to our global economic infrastructure.
As adults, we are “responsible for not only teaching but modeling responsibility and humility.” As we model the use of these tools, our children gain insight and courage to practice it also. After all, we are one of their first and most impactful teachers in their lives.
We must choose to change how we show up in the world, as parents, partners, teachers, spouses, leaders and friends regardless of our background, color of our skin, or our socio-economic differences.
The responsibility to make good decisions, break toxic patterns and create a better life and economic status is ours.
Being mindful of our thoughts, decisions and behaviors, our eyes will open to see the specific progressive, or regressive behavioral patterns of our lives.
Change is a process. It is a chosen path and pattern. A lifelong conscious journey! Wealth too has a pattern, so does the cycle of toxicity and lack of responsibility. Change is hard, consistent and intentional work that forces us to take responsibility. So, let’s be courageous and do the hard work today, so we can enjoy the fruits of our labor tomorrow.
The seeds of responsibility we practice and sow today, will greatly affect our children’s tomorrow in every area of their lives.
A Tree Is Bent While It Is Still Wet
“From the Southern Bantu language isiZulu comes a saying “Umuthi ugotshwa usemanzi” which translates to “a tree is bent while it is still wet”. The meaning of this proverb is that wisdom and behavioural influences are instilled when a person is still young.
If we intend to create thought leaders, action-takers, and change-makers, we need to make sure that we teach our children and the next generation the significance of what it means to have the future in their hands while they are still young, to empower them to become the next generation of world leaders.”
“Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.” Galatians 6:7
By: Sonia M. Wignall

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