A Monthly Inspirational Viewpoint of Life’s Journeys with Sonia Wignall.
Episode Twenty-Two
I often write about my dad, because he was such an amazing, loving, kind and wise human being. He is one of the greatest influences in my life. One of his legacy was keeping us in remembrance that change is a process, an intentional act and a life commitment and journey.
A part of his legacy was keeping us in remembrance that change is a process, an intentional act, a life commitment and a journey. He did this by modeling.
It took him into his 50’s to begin a radical but slow process of change. He was for the first half of his life, a gambler and womanizer. In both he invested heavily and lost heavily.
Yet at the time of his death, he was remembered for being an outstanding human being, a great influencer, and positive contributor to the life of many.
He at some point in his journey, began to understand that there was a “better way”. A way of life that would bring deeper meaning, serve others better and please God more.
He exchanged his immoral and harmful behaviour for a new set of beliefs that would carry him through the rest of his journey. Although he often spoke very philosophically, the message was clear. “It takes courage to live this life.” Courage to change, courage to grow old and courage to accept how your final act will play out based on the seeds that you have sown in life’s ground.
My dad lived courageously, and not fearfully. He embraced the differences in people with no specific honor for those with greater abundance than others. He instructed us to side step racism, hate, bitterness and the ignorance of others. He did likewise during times of sickness, which were few and far between. He would not take his mind anywhere that would bring him to an undesired outcome, including in his body.
Although he only had a 6th grade education in Cuba, his latter years in the United States were spent as an avid reader of Jewish literature and religious documents. There were certain Rabbi’s whose teachings he honored and followed. The act of reading, meditating and intentionally understanding became his daily standard of living. His books became his most valuable possession. Through them he studied and understood human nature, failings and fallacies. He practiced grace, patience, immediate forgiveness and humility.
As I age, I am developing a deep appreciation for my Father’s journey and legacy. I feel his legacy rise within me and the mysteries of how my own life and work is unfolding, and can make a great impact.
To say I love and appreciate my dad and the legacy he has left for me, would be an understatement. I am very much “becoming”, more and more every day, my father’s daughter. I am learning to lean into his teachings, his books, his courage and the source of his strength and his wisdom.
Dad, I miss you more than words can ever express. Thank you so much for the life you lived, the change you intentionally made and the discipline you followed. Thank you for the rich legacy you left for us all. Your legacy to me is a gift, an inheritance, worth more than rubies, silver or gold. Thank you for your sustaining measure of wisdom in my life.
“Examine what is said, not who is speaking.
African Proverb
“How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! Yea, to get understanding is rather to be chosen than silver.”
Proverb 16:16
Image(s) Attribution: Sonia Wignall

Sonia Wignall
Sonia Wignall is Co-Founder & Board Chair, Diaspora Global Foundation: www.diasporaglobalfoundation.org.
She is also a Cultural and Lifestyle Writer. Her articles and monthly column “Perspective” can be found on Diaspora Digital News.