To commemorate International Migrants Day 2021, the African Diaspora Council of Switzerland in collaboration with its partners cordially invites you to participate in a conference under the theme “Dynamic Trends in International Migration Dialogue.”
The virtual event will be held on Saturday, 18th December 2021 from 4pm to 6pm Geneva time.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Rescue Operations on the Mediterranean Sea
- Return and Reintegration Assistance Programme, Swiss Perspective
- Nexus between Migration and Climate Change
Speakers on the panel include Sonja Kyburz – Program, Operations and Liaison Coordinator at IOM Switzerland, Eva Ostendarp – Head Deutschschweiz, SOS MEDITERRANEE Switzerland, and Chantal Malu – Member of MICIC as President of the High Council for Diversity. The event will be moderated by Dozie Celeste Ugochukwu of AFMD / African Diaspora Council of Switzerland.
The conversation will be in English and French; and is open to diaspora communities as well as other major stakeholders in international migration governance such as civil society, international organisations, media, academia, policy makers; in addition to the private sector for knowledge sharing and strengthening of networks.
This event is organised by the African Diaspora Council of Switzerland (ADCS), in partnership with the African Foundation for Migration and Development (AFMD), Ajere African Heritage, Jeunesse en Détresse, Tunesische Vereinigung der Schweiz “Tawassol”, Africa Link, ADEPT / Africa Europe Diaspora Development Platform and Les Amis du Monde Entier, AME.
More information can be found HERE.
Click to join via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89614856024?pwd=eitxaUJmaEZsSEtFVmQyNXhkWDd3Zz09
Webinar ID: 896 1485 6024
Password: 918359
A l’occasion de la célébration de la Journée Internationale des migrants, le Conseil de la Diaspora Africaine de Suisse en collaboration avec ses partnaires vous convie à la conférence avec le thème: TENDANCES DYNAMIQUES DU DIALOGUE SUR LES MIGRATIONS INTERNATIONALES”
Sujets de discussion:
- Opérations de sauvetage des migrants en Méditerranée
- Programme d’aide au retour et à la réintégration, perspective suisse
- Changement climatique et la migration
Vous trouverez la note conceptuelle, le flyer ainsi que le programme de la conférence en suivant ce lien: https://www.africancouncil.ch/event/.
Date: Samedi 18 décembre 2021, L’heure: 16:00-18:00,Sur la plateforme Zoom. Veuillez clicquer sur ce lien pour nous rejoindre à la conférence:
Webinar ID: 896 1485 6024
Password: 918359
For more information about the African Diaspora Council of Switzerland, kindly visit their WEBSITE.
By: Theresa R. Fianko
Additional Information: African Diaspora Council of Switzerland Website
Image Attribution: African Diaspora Council of Switzerland