Application for the Diaspora Youth Pitch Competition is now open; offering a chance for diaspora-youth led organisations to present their bright ideas to the Future Forum audience, including diaspora organisations, governments, the EU and other international actors.
It is an opportunity to celebrate the potential of diaspora youth ideas and inspire new partnerships whilst competing for a prize of up to €3000.
Organised by the European Union Global Diaspora Facility (EUDiF), the Diaspora Youth Pitch Competition is being launched as part of this year’s Future Forum.
At each edition of the Future Forum, opportunities are given for youth diaspora to share their ideas and amplify their voices. As drivers of innovation and the leaders of tomorrow, youth diasporas are essential to making the diaspora-development ecosystem truly informed, inclusive and impactful.
The competition was born partly from the rewarding experience working with diaspora youth within the project, partly from seeing the fantastic work individuals and diaspora youth organisations are already doing, and partly inspired by the recently launched Youth Action Plan in EU external action for 2022-2027, which heralds young people as key to achieving the SDGs and a driving force for a sustainable future. The plan’s three pillars are put to life through the Diaspora Youth Pitch Competition:
Engage: Increase young people’s voices in policy and decision-making at all levels.
Empower: Fight inequalities and provide young people with the skills and resources they need to prosper and fulfill their potential.
Connect: Foster opportunities for young people to network and exchange with their peers.
Youth-led diaspora organisations in Europe are encouraged to submit a development-oriented idea that leverages the potential of youth diaspora to address SDG 4 (Quality Education) and/or SDG 13 (Climate Action).
Submissions will be accepted from diaspora organisations that are legally registered in the EU27, Norway, Switzerland or the United Kingdom, and who have a governing body controlled by youth diaspora aged between 18 and 30.
Participating organisations must have a mandate concerning diaspora empowerment and/or development in EUDiF’s partner countries.
As well as being in with a chance to win prize money, entering the competition allows diaspora youth organisations to bring their unique ideas to an influential audience, inspiring policymakers and practitioners to strengthen youth inclusion in development practice.
The six finalists will be given one-to-one coaching to refine their pitch and will be sponsored to attend the Future Forum in Brussels on October 17-18. This is also an opportunity for the organisation to gain exposure and to network.
The three winning ideas will receive prize money:
- 1st prize: €3000
- 2nd prize: €2000
- 3rd prize: €1000
Finalists will be announced on 14 July 2023.
Submit the idea via the online form in English or French by 30 June 2023, 23:59 CEST. Only entries submitted via the online forms will be considered.
Read thecompetition guidelines for full information on eligibility, process and judging criteria.
Register to join the virtual town hall on 8 May 2023, 19:00 CEST.
Email any additional questions to eu-diaspora@icmpd.org.
Source: European Union Global Diaspora Facility (EUDiF)
Image Attribution: European Union Global Diaspora Facility (EUDiF)
Edited by: Theresa R. Fianko
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