The Global Diaspora Confederation (GDC) is providing a good opportunity for all creatives to help redesign its logo in a way that conveys the positive values and challenges of the global diaspora.
Through a Call for Submission of New Logo Design, GDC is opening participation for anyone who can most importantly create an authentic story behind a logo that demonstrates the existence of the organization; which should also be visually attractive.
The current emblem “has a circle, three words (Global Diaspora Confederation) and a slogan (Connecting the World’s Diaspora Organizations). With your help we wish torethink the circle part of our logo”, says the GDC website.
The drawing for submission can be either done by hand, colored on paper, sketched on computer or described in a few sentences, and should be submitted (one or two designs) preferably in a PDF, JPEG or PNG file.
A list of suggestions for what the GDC is looking forward to in the design, as well as answers for frequently asked questions can be found HERE.
Final submission deadline for all unique designs is by Wednesday 21st September, 2022 which is also World Peace Day.
Submit HERE.
Upon submission, a GDC select committee will review, select the design(s) and graphically transform them into the official GDC logo.
The winner(s) will be announced on all of GDC’s social networks on 18 December, 2022, which is International Migrants Day and the World Diaspora Assembly – an event which sees many diaspora organisations in attendance to discuss GDC’s progress in the past year.
There are many attractive benefits that come with being selected as the ultimate winner(s), which can be found HERE.
GDC’s values and history should be in mind when translating its vision into the new design.
The Global Diaspora Confederation “aspires to build an inclusive movement where all Diaspora Organizations can be supported, belong, discover and realize their ambitions in order to achieve peace, unity and social and economic progress for all. It supports communities within the global diaspora, which refers to migrants or descendants of migrants who have left their country of origin.”
Over the past two years the GDC has achieved great success. It convened over 230 Diaspora Organizations to issue a joint global statement against xenophobia; established the Global Diaspora Academy; organized the first Global Diaspora Week; contributed to the first World Diaspora Summit and advocated for Diaspora Organizations at the first International Conference on Migration Review Forum at the United Nations Headquarters.
For any other questions on the application process, you may CONTACT the Global Diaspora Confederation.
To learn more about GDC, please visit the website or social networks: @GDComeTogether.
By: Theresa R. Fianko
Content Information from: Global Diaspora Confederation’s Website
Image Attribution: Global Diaspora Confederation