Help build a new training tool to benefit all diasporas worldwide, by understanding the challenges and capacity development needs of their organizations.
The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) in partnership with UNDP, The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and DMA Global is planning to develop a diaspora training toolkit that will help diaspora organizations around the world to build their capacities across a variety of competencies.
In line with this, there is a survey ongoing for diaspora organizations to understand their skills and capacity development needs to improve upon the important work they do; as well as major obstacles keeping them from achieving their goals. The project is known as the ‘#JoinTheDOTS Campaign.’
Some survey participants will be chosen to do a pilot training, and once finalized, the training will be online and free to access for all diaspora organizations.
This project is being spearheaded by the IOM, within the framework of the Global Programme on Making Migration Work for Sustainable Development, jointly implemented with UNDP with the financial support of SDC, and provided on the iDiaspora platform, with DMA Global providing technical assistance.
The survey can be taken in English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.
By completing the short survey, you will be contributing directly to a training platform that will ultimately help in achieving goals and objectives; considering that diaspora organizations are an integral part of many communities at home and abroad, even though they often don’t get the support they need.
Access the survey HERE.
For questions about this project, kindly contact DMA Global at: info@dmaglobal.com.
Source: iDiaspora Website
Edited by: Theresa R. Fianko
Image Attribution: iDiaspora Website