Paving the way to achieving Objective 19 of the Global Compact for Migration.
On 1, 4 and 5 April 2022, IOM, in partnership with the Government of Ireland and other lead participating states, will be co-hosting the Global Diaspora Summit (GDS).
The GDS has a purpose of assisting States and partners in taking stock of achievements vis-à-vis Objective 19 of the Global Compact for Migration, as a contribution towards the quadrennial International Migration Review Forum happening in May 2022.
In 2013, IOM organized the first ever International Diaspora Ministerial Conference in Geneva within the Framework of its International Dialogue on Migration. The event brought together over 500 participants including 55 Ministers and high-level government officials, 143 country delegations and representatives of academia, diaspora organizations, civil society, media, and private sector from around the world.
Since then, there have been many developments in the field of multilateral migration governance and development culminating with the adoption of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development (SDGs) – the first global agreement of its kind that has recognized the positive role that good migration governance (SDG 10.7) can have in supporting sustainable development outcomes. Further, in 2018, the UN General Assembly endorsed the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM), which is the first comprehensive UN framework adopted through inter-governmental negotiations to enhance international cooperation in global migration governance.
The GCM’s multi-dimensional notion of cooperation highlights that no state can develop its approaches to migration in isolation, placing an emphasis on whole-of-government and whole-of society approaches, as well as stressing that cooperation should take place at all levels – local, country, regional and global. The GCM also firmly set in place processes for follow-up, implementation and review including an International Migration Review Forum to be organized every four years beginning in 2022, and quadrennial regional reviews beginning in 2020.
The GCM took a 360-degree view on migration and human mobility outlining 23 objectives covering all dimensions of international migration in a holistic and comprehensive manner, including Objective 19 with the purpose to “Create conditions for migrants and diasporas to fully contribute to sustainable development in all countries.” While most of the GCM objectives have received visibility through the reviews but also through various global initiatives, Objective 19 has received less attention.
This stands in contrast to the positive role of migrant and diaspora contributions to development witnessed on the ground, as demonstrated most recently in response to the COVID-19 pandemic where diasporas were often the first to respond to the difficulties being faced in their home communities, with over 50 such examples catalogued here. There is therefore a need to generate global awareness and visibility of the critical role migrants and diasporas play in the sustainable development of their countries of origin and destination, beyond remittances, as captured in Objective 19 of the GCM ahead of the International Migration Review Forum in 2022. This will elevate the prominence that the diaspora sector receives among politicians and practitioners alike. IOM and the Government of Ireland are organizing a Global Diaspora Summit (GDS) to assist States in taking stock of their own and their partners’ achievements vis-à-vis Objective 19 as a contribution towards the International Migration Review Forum in 2022. The GDS is also envisioned as a transformative moment to design and deliver a collaborative vision and programme of progress for the diaspora sector through meaningful and structured dialogue with diaspora and transnational communities, as epitomised by the on the ongoing work of the iDiaspora.org platform.
There will be thematic virtual sessions that will be made up of informal discussions addressing specific cross- cutting themes and topics of interest, and will be open for different actors including members of diaspora, government officials, and private sector among others.
Keynote Speakers will include:
Michaella Vanore, UNU – Merit
Mingo Heiduk Tetsche, DEMAC
Almaz Negash, ADN
Melek Pulatkonak, TurkishWIN
Thomas DeBass, U.S. Department of State
Semhar Araia, Facebook
The sessions will be moderated by well-known industry players within the diaspora/migration space.
There will also be Technical Discussions, a Masterclass, Presentations and hybrid sessions.
Get full information about the Summit’s Agenda HERE.
Register to fully participate in the Summit HERE.
Content Attribution: International Organisation for Migration
Image Attribution: International Organisation for Migration