Posted on: April 11, 2023 Posted by: diasporadigital Comments: 0

The annual Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW) is set to take place in a hybrid format this year from 17 to 28 April 2023 (17-21 April remote, and 24-28 April face-to-face at the International Conference Centre – CICG in Geneva).

HNPW is one of the largest events of its type where humanitarian networks and partnerships organize meetings to inform about, and further advance related activities, and to collaborate with other networks and partnerships in areas of common concern.

It also provides a collaborative space for practitioners and experts from a large variety of humanitarian stakeholders including UN agencies, NGOs, the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, academia, the military, private sector initiatives, and Member States.

The event was first held in 2015 upon a recommendation from Member States and the stakeholders of Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships to hold their annual meetings at the same location and to provide an opportunity for professionals working in the humanitarian sector to exchange experience, discuss new concepts, introduce new tools and ideas, connect, and collaborate in finding solutions to common challenges in crisis preparedness and response.

On April 25 and 26 from 2pm-3:30pm CET, the international Organisation for Migration (IOM) will be part of sessions on ‘Coordinating with non-traditional actors: Application of the framework for Diaspora Engagement in Humanitarian Assistance and relevant tools in real-time crisis’; and ‘Alternative funding modalities for humanitarian interventions in partnership with non-traditional humanitarian actors’ respectfully.

Since 2017, the strategy for HNPW cross-network collaboration has been defined by the “Leading-Edge Program” Strategic Group, which is co-chaired by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), comprising representatives of Networks and Partnerships that attend the HNPW. The LEP Strategic Group has agreed on nine Areas of Common Concern for cross-network collaboration.

In addition to network and partnership meetings, HNPW 2023 will offer a wide variety of cross-network interactive sessions, briefings, technical meetings, and a virtual Exhibition Area, where participants can exchange experiences and have the opportunity to network with professionals and experts across many sectors. Most sessions in the HNPW face-to-face week will be accessible remotely.

More details on upcoming and outcomes of completed sessions can be found in the event program HERE.

To register or participate in HNPW 2023, kindly visit this LINK.

Source: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)

Edited by: Theresa R. Fianko

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