A Monthly Inspirational Viewpoint of Life’s Journeys with Sonia Wignall, November 2022
Episode Seven
Although I consider myself a person of faith, and lead a daily prayer group I, like many people, sometimes struggle to bring my faith to a point of believing that anything is possible.
Over the years I have experienced different manifestations of what would be considered “miracles”. Amongst them was becoming a mom, buying our home, and many business opportunities that in the beginning seemed impossible but ended well. As an Afro-Cuban woman living and working in the US, I am consciously aware of how I represent the African Diaspora and my culture as a native of Cuba, and a descendant of ‘slaves’. I have come to understand that how I show up and present myself to the world is based on how I think and what I believe.
This past month I had the honor and the pleasure to attend the life changing P2P Conference. Although the conference was a significant “networking event” of like-minded people, the purpose of the conference was to give the attendees, 99% from the African Diaspora, the tools needed to set every area of their lives on a “Path to Prosperity”.
This of course was not the first such event I have attended over the years, but the energy, transparency, information and tools presented to us was indeed life – changing for me and my business partner.
Speaker TD Jakes, reminded us of our individual and collective power of resilience, our purpose, our God given gifts and strength. He emphasized the importance of living intentionally, and the responsibility we have to position ourselves on the path of holistic prosperity, because the life, pain, struggle and the resilience of our ancestors have given us the strength we have and will need for the journey.
In other words, they have already done the heavy lifting for us, physically and spiritually and have sown the seeds of prosperity and paved a way for us out of nowhere. We must harvest what they have already sown.
“We are, we can, we must because they were, and they did.“
Another speaker that made an indelible mark was “Myron Golden”. Before the conference, I had never heard his name. His presentation was dynamic, well communicated and powerfully delivered. His message was biblically centered, because as he said it was in the bible that he found profound truths and God’s blueprint for our wealth.
In summary, each speaker spoke about the importance of focusing on the mind, understanding the principle of working smart and creatively, not working by default, and the specific laws of prosperity. Writing the vision, setting the goals, investing wisely, and most importantly, raising our faith to understand that “poverty is a mindset.” The faith to believe, work strategically, diligently and create wealth is also a mindset.
The collective and individual opportunity to create wealth is not only our birthright as descendants of the African Diaspora, it is our responsibility, and most important of all it is possible. The “Path to Prosperity” begins and is manifested by what we choose to believe, our minds, our decisions, our faith. It is a strategic and well-defined process.
I am also deeply inspired by the writings of Idowu Koyenikan, below I share some quotes from his writing on “Wealth for all Africans.”
“Most people write me off when they see me.
They do not know my story.
They say I am just an African.
They judge me before they get to know me.
What they do not know is
The pride I have in the blood that runs through my veins;
The pride I have in my rich culture and the history of my people;
The pride I have in my strong family ties and the deep connection to my community;
The pride I have in the African music, African art, and African dance;
The pride I have in my name and the meaning behind it.
Just as my name has meaning, I too will live my life with meaning.
So, you think I am nothing?
Don’t worry about what I am now,
For what I will be, I am gradually becoming.
I will raise my head high wherever I go
Because of my African pride,
And nobody will take that away from me.”
― Idowu Koyenikan,
Wealth for all Africans: How Every African Can Live the Life of Their Dreams
By: Sonia M. Wignall

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