Posted on: June 14, 2022 Posted by: diasporadigital Comments: 0

After two virtual festivals, the World Independent Advertising Awards (WINA) returned to its ‘regular’ format, this time in the city of Dubai – United Arab Emirates (UAE).

For this edition, all visitors who could not attend the ceremony at the Sheraton Grand Dubai on June 10, 2022, were able to simultaneously enjoy the broadcast of the ceremony online via YouTube.

This year, 195 medals were awarded with 56 honorable mentions. The shortlist features agencies and independent networks from Spain, Brazil, United States, Nigeria, Costa Rica, Chile, Italy, Ecuador, Germany, Iran, Bolivia, Tunisia, Singapore, Mexico, United Kingdom, Honduras, Portugal, Argentina, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, Zambia, Colombia, Australia, Peru, Thailand, the Dominican Republic, Poland and Saudi Arabia, among others.

WINA 2022 awarded 5 Grand Prizes, 33 Gold medals, 66 silver, 91 bronze and 56 honorable mentions to agencies from America, Europe, Africa and Asia.

The Winning Agency and Advertiser of the Year were both from Spain

Spain is home to the advertiser of the year, Helados Bayarri, thanks to its multi-award-winning campaign “La Venuseta,”; with the agency of the year going to Rosebud. This honor roll has also featured brands such as

 McDonald´s, Esfuerzo Ciudadano, BMW,  ŠAMAŠ, Kellogg´s and CNIO, among others.

Find detailed information about the creatives of the year and more relevant news regarding the 2022 edition at

*****This press release is provided for informational purposes only.

The content of the Press Release was provided to Diaspora Digital News by World Independent Advertising Awards (WINA). For more information, kindly visit:

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