A good opportunity to add your voice to a research which seeks to help understand return migration to Ghana.
Have you lived abroad and returned to Ghana? Or do you still live abroad but regularly return for longer periods? Take part in an interview to talk about your experiences and help us understand more about return migration to Ghana.
What is this research about?
The project examines the meaning of citizenship for Ghanaians who migrate to and from the global north.
What will participation involve?
You will be invited to talk about your experiences with a researcher from the University of Oxford. The interview will be conducted online and will take approximately one hour. You will be asked a range of open questions about your experience of migration, your citizenship, and your return to Ghana.
The conversation will take place online at a date and time that is convenient for you.
If interested, kindly contact the researcher, Julia Schweers, doctoral researcher at the University of Oxford’s Centre on Migration, Policy and Society: julia.schweers@compas.ox.ac.uk.