Posted on: July 23, 2021 Posted by: diasporadigital Comments: 0

Diasporas include people who have migrated from their homelands as well as refugees from conflict areas around the world. In ensuring that diaspora engagement efforts are fruitful, we need to take all groups into account so that no one will be left out.

Formerly known as Humanitarian Crisis Hub, Diaspora Action Australia was founded in 2008 and is headquartered in Collingwood, Victoria – Australia. The organisation is a full member of the ACFID Code of Conduct and has no religious or political affiliation.

Diaspora Action Australia was established to offer its contributions to peace, development, human rights and humanitarianism response effectively in Australia and abroad by working with diaspora communities.

According to the Diaspora Action Australia website, its mission is to “work with diasporas in Australia that promote peace, development, humanitarian response and human rights.

It does this by: supporting diaspora initiatives; providing resources, information and training; facilitating dialogue and shared learning; building networks; amplifying diaspora voices at local, national and international levels. Diaspora Action Australia also advocates for the inclusion of diasporas in policy dialogues relating to their countries of origin and communities, and seeks to build an environment in which diaspora contributions are recognised and valued.”

Apart from supporting communities in Australia from countries affected by war and conflict, Diaspora Action Australia also spearheads the ‘Diaspora Learning Network’ – “a group of organisations committed to advancing learning and multi-sector dialogue on the role and contribution of diasporas to peace, development, humanitarian action and human rights.”

In supporting its diaspora partners such as organisations and communities, Diaspora Action Australia offers the following:

  • Training and Mentoring
  • Network Building
  • Amplifying Diaspora Voices
  • Fostering Cooperation and Dialogue

For more information on Diaspora Action Australia; to support, volunteer or donate kindly visit their WEBSITE.

By: Theresa R. Fianko

Additional Information from:  Diaspora Action Australia Website

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