Dubai, UAE: In an effort to encourage the youth in the diaspora to be actively involved in areas of engagement and expertise, Diaspora Digital News has announced a new segment addition to its online broadcasting platform.
Simply called “Diaspora Children”, the segment will showcase published news and stories relating to children in the Diaspora. With the permission of parents, it will also feature young Diasporan Personalities as well who are making a positive impact in society despite their age and location.
The original concept came about as a result of a suggestion by Dr. Martin Russell, an Advisor at The Networking Institute.
The aim of “Diaspora Children” is to encourage the youth or children in general to get connected to the culture of their countries (and countries of origin) in order to contribute positively to society without losing their identities.
According to Managing Content Editor, Theresa R. Fianko, “we immediately caught on the suggestion to create a segment for Children on Diaspora Digital News. In our efforts to promote diaspora engagement and expertise through communication, we cannot overlook the role that children play. It is easy for children, especially those born or living in the diaspora for long periods to disconnect from their heritage; and we are using our platform as a way of bridging that gap by getting them to be more involved in diaspora affairs.”
Diaspora Digital News is an online broadcasting platform focused on supporting diaspora engagement and expertise for development by promoting the works of diaspora-based organisations and personalities. Diaspora Digital News also covers general news relating to the international community and global stories.
For enquiries and further information, please write to: media@diasporadigitalnews.com.
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