Posted on: August 10, 2022 Posted by: diasporadigital Comments: 0

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia has launched a new initiative for the Estonian diaspora community; to help in contributing to the preservation of the homeland’s identity, while strengthening ties to the country.

The project, which is in cooperation with the Integration Foundation will also increase awareness of diaspora activities in Estonia.

In line with this, a call for project proposals has been opened for Estonians around the world.

Funding will be provided for these projects; from a total budget of €55,000, with a maximum of €5,000 being allocated to each project.

Only one submission is permitted per applicant, with priority of the project support program given to activities aimed at youth and young people.

In a statement about the initiative, Head of Compatriots Service at the integration Foundation, Kaire Cocker said: “We’ll be supporting activities that boost the sense of belonging between foreign Estonian communities and their homeland. They could be anything from cultural, business and research projects to a wide range of events as well as increasing the awareness of diaspora activities in Estonia.”

Similarly, 22 projects received funding from the call for proposals for own-initiative projects last year.

Historically, there have been three waves of emigration from Estonia recorded, which also accounts for its large diaspora community numbers namely; events of the mid-19th century, events of the second world war, as well as the restoration of Estonia’s independence and accession to the European Union.

Estimates from government records show that there are up to 200 000 people of Estonian origin worldwide, with 80 per cent of them desiring to stay informed about life in Estonia, contribute to the development of the country’s society while promoting its good image worldwide. As of 2021, the largest Estonian communities were based in Finland, Russia, United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden and North America.

The deadline for submission of this year’s application is on 5th September 2022 at 11:59 PM Estonian time.

Apply HERE.

By: Theresa R. Fianko

Additional Information: Estonian World, Republic of Estonia – Ministry of Foreign Affairs