At the moment, brands and businesses are focused more than ever on positioning themselves digitally. COVID-19 has reiterated the need to pay more attention to the online audience; and providing quality content which communicates the goods and services of the business.
Most businesses have taken on the challenge to improve their customer experience; making it easier to access products and services without putting them at risk. The pandemic has also seen brands marketing themselves indirectly using strategic techniques such as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities, and their employee wellbeing schemes.
At Diaspora Digital News, we faced few challenges initially. Effects of certain changes we had to make to our business strategy resulted in some setbacks. Remote working was not typically an issue for us, because to the nature of our business. Due to some delays in client payment, our finances were strained initially. However, we were able to balance the books by offering discounts and packages which encouraged new business. Bearing in mind that businesses are more than ever geared towards building their online presence, we saw opportunity in getting new clients and aligning strategically with them for mutual benefits. Throughout this period, we have learnt the importance of innovation, client satisfaction and continuous improvement. We documented a lot of our lessons in a free e-book to help other SMEs who may still be dealing with the initial stages of “shock” the pandemic caused to their business.
Our clients request more services from us, especially helping them to activate brand campaigns digitally. We have a solid relationship with our clients, so fortunately all of them have stuck with us. Some have asked for discounts which we have given to the best of our abilities. We curated our experiences on how we used Marketing Communications to navigate through our challenges during the period, and have made it available to our clients for free; most of whom are SMEs. It is still available for free download here: http://diasporadigitalnews.com/resources/
In all this, we work closely to our clients to provide exceptional services and value for them, within budget.
There are a lot of SMEs who are also getting it right when it comes to taking charge of branding and digital marketing campaign. Larger corporations such as Google have shown the way especially being a digitally driven enterprise. From their doodles celebrating Frontliners, flexible work programs for employees, to making it easy to access information on the virus, it is easy to say they have largely been on top of their marketing during this time.
Diaspora Digital News as a publication, has focused on selling its brand and that of its clientele in a way that aligns with business goals and objectives. The tone of voice is one which emphasizes humanity, empathy and care, being aware of the present global circumstances.
Our sales strategy is still aggressive, but with a lot more value addition in a way that ensures the business needs of our clients are being satisfied and onwards to their customers as well. Our main aim during this period and beyond is to align goals strategically with the elements of business sustainability namely economic, societal and environmental.
By: Theresa R. Fianko
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