A Monthly Inspirational Viewpoint of Life’s Journeys with Sonia Wignall.
Episode Twenty-One
I have been involved in group prayer for over 20 years, in and outside of the church.
Eight years ago I founded a weekly women’s prayer group. Although there have been many changes and women that have passed through, we are still going strong praying 4am early mornings during the week. Our group is multinational. We are part of a global movement of women that God has called to pray daily and consistently at specific hours of the day. We believe God has called and positioned these prayer groups of women 24 hours a day 7 days a week in different time zones and languages all around the world to pray without ceasing. We are deeply honored to be part of this significant and powerful move of God at this time in history. Yet in all of this power, commitment, consistency, practice and global support, I like many of my global sisters can fail many times to give it all to God.
We hold our pain, regrets, could haves, should haves, and frets close to our hearts instead of fully releasing them and trusting God to manage them all. In our moments of fear and distress, we leave our faith on the table, rush to self-sabotage and our own resolve.
We still have not fully developed a mastery of our faith and trust in God.
Many years ago, a powerful African Pastor visiting our church said “Faith” is difficult to master, but once you master it your life will never be the same.
In addition to the “spiritual” gifts we each bring to our daily prayer circle, I often invite other women and sometimes men to be a guest speaker.
One of our most recent speakers was Tony Hebel. Tony co-wrote the book and founded the ministry “Forgiving Forward”, with her husband Dr. Bruce Hebel.
Tony ministered to us on the power in spirit, mind, soul and body of forgiving those that have hurt us. Her presentation and message to us was significant, timely, very powerful and important.
Releasing others through forgiveness, and learning to truly trust God by faith in all circumstances is a powerful and masterful way of living. Forgiveness will produce great blessings and peace for those who choose to practice that path.
In her book, “left To Tell”, Immaculee Ilibagiza recounts the, Rwandan Massacre, the death of her parents and brothers. The destruction of her village, the genocide of her tribe, and the excruciating months she spent hidden in a bathroom with other women.
Immaculee’s story made a profound impact on my life and understanding the power of forgiveness. It was her decision to forgive that allowed her to survive, break free emotionally, heal, share her story and impact the lives of many people globally including other trauma survivors.
Mastering faith, forgiveness and trust in God is a process and a daily intentional practice. God’s grace is sufficient to help us through. He is a sovereign, all knowing, and all powerful being. His word says in our mother’s womb he knew us. (Psalms 139:13-16).
We can learn and practice forgiveness and faith to let go and release it all to God.
We can totally and desperately dependent on the Master of it all to guide us through and the sufficiency of his grace to be enough. (Corinthians 12:9)
Read Immaculee’s Story…

Image(s) Attribution: Sonia Wignall

Sonia Wignall
Sonia Wignall is Co-Founder & Board Chair, Diaspora Global Foundation: www.diasporaglobalfoundation.org.
She is also a Cultural and Lifestyle Writer. Her articles and monthly column “Perspective” can be found on Diaspora Digital News.