Posted on: April 2, 2022 Posted by: diasporadigital Comments: 0

In times of crisis such as a war, women and children tend to be the most vulnerable.

Liz Franklin is back with a make belief story, which is based on real stories coming from recent happenings in Ukraine.

The story starts with a conversation between mother and child, where the former assures the latter that they will be at a safer place after leaving home to a different country. They end up at one of the refugee centres.

Read the e-book to get the twists and turns of the story.

As much as the book is written to help Ukrainian children in refugee centres, children of the world can also relate to what their contemporaries go through in times of war.

As usual the art and illustration used in Liz Franklin’s e-book adds to the enjoyable reading experience.

This is just the first book in a 3-part series for children to understand the war in Ukraine. “Even though different countries have different political views, children and situations they face are universal. I want to raise awareness and empathy so children understand what is behind the news stories they see and hear, says Liz.

This book is being translated into Ukrainian language and will go out as a free e-book both in English and Ukrainian only for the children of Ukraine.

Proceeds from the e-book that will be sold to the rest of the world will go to help Ukrainian children in refugee centers.


Liz Franklin spearheaded several initiatives to empower the world’s children in the battle against COVID-19 with free e-books which were translated into 25 languages, impacting children in seventy nations. This is another one of her purpose-filled works, as she continues to inspire several people around the world with her thoughtfulness.

And like the book says, “people are saying scary things but it’s gonna’ be okay!”

Purchase your copy of the e-book HERE.

To know more about Liz Franklin and her literary works, kindly visit:

UPDATE: The e-book has been translated in Ukrainian, and available on the same link.

E-book review by: Theresa R. Fianko

Image Attribution: MamaLiz ™ (Liz Franklin)

    About <strong>MamaLiz Franklin</strong>
About MamaLiz Franklin

Liz (MamaLiz) Franklin (aka Elizabeth Franklin) is an author of over 30 books and a public speaker from Knoxville, Tennessee. She dedicates much of her life to empowering children, teens, and young people to greatness and prioritizing time through books, workshops, speaking events, and free covid books for children in twenty-five languages. In addition, she heads a non-profit to foster initiatives for children and teens worldwide.
She has been on different media platforms, and has been recognized severally: in the TOP 50 Most Impactful Influencers on LinkedIn for 2021, TOP 20 Impactful Hoinser Women 2022, A TOP Person Ambassador, America’s Top 2000 Women, World’s Who’s Who of Women, to mention a few.
When Liz is not writing with a cup of hot tea by the fire, she might be exploring the mountains of East Tennessee or enjoying a night out for some grilled salmon at her favorite restaurant by the river in Knoxville with her grad student and sometimes co-author daughter, Anna. If she goes missing, she’s caught up in a spontaneous conversation to encourage a young person somewhere!

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