Posted on: March 17, 2023 Posted by: diasporadigital Comments: 0

The British Red Cross has launched a grant for diaspora focused organisations for their humanitarian or social work.

The Diaspora Humanitarian Partnership Programme will be piloting ways to discover how to broaden and deepen relationships with diaspora groups in the UK; while aiming at engaging with diaspora communities.

According to the British Red Cross’ website, they are offering small (up to £5,000) to medium-size grants (up to £30,000) to diaspora focused organisations for their humanitarian and/or social work either in the UK or in response to crises abroad.

The grants aim to focus on developing and strengthening the organisations’ capacities and/or existing activities.

The deadline for applications is 26 March 2023.

To apply, kindly click HERE.

For more information, please email to:

Source: British Red Cross

Edited by: Theresa R. Fianko.

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