Posted on: May 7, 2022 Posted by: diasporadigital Comments: 0

Episode Two

The word Legacy refers to what is left behind, or also “conscious living”, keeping in mind

“what we will leave behind”.

My friend always speaks about his legacy. He remains in a conscious state of what he wants to and should leave behind. We talk often about “legacy”.

I recently attended a very beautiful funeral for his mother, a woman who lived her life well. Speaker after speaker, family members and friends, remembered her kindness, hospitality, discipline, generosity, counsel, care, hard work, determination, and most important of all, her extraordinary faith.

She had left a “legacy” of love, a trail of significance in the lives of each speaker, as well as many others that crossed her path during her lifetime. She left a “legacy”. Her life, her counsel, service and teachings had a domino effect. They would be eternal, everlasting passing down from generation to generation.

My amazing, loving father too left his family and friends a legacy. His legacy was kindness, generosity, and peace. The spiritual practice of treating others well no matter their status in life. He spoke about the importance of these life principles, shared them with anyone that would listen, but most important his life exemplified them. He showed no man, or woman, greater honor than another. He died very late in life, living a blessed life of peace and comfort.

I and the family of that beautiful woman have a responsibility, to carry on the legacy, the life principles, that has been handed down to us. The spiritual teachings that will guide our lives.

Every day, we are all, consciously or unconsciously, setting the stage, sowing the seeds of the “domino effect” of our legacy. Adding to what my father taught me and keeping the chain of knowledge, peace, joy, forgiveness and gratitude going, my legacy will be established.

When you think of your life, besides your acquisition of material possessions, what will be your legacy? What life principles have you learned and shared? How are you living? What will you leave behind? Whose life will be forever changed because of your “legacy”.

By: Sonia M. Wignall

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