Ya La’ford is a contemporary visual and installation Artist, Muralist and Professor whose works have been acclaimed globally for her creativity, innovation and ability to create spatial experiences. She is showcasing her collection at this year’s AfroSoul Exhibition currently ongoing until the 28th of February 2021. We are privileged to speak briefly with her about her work, exhibition and upcoming projects.
About Ya La’ford’s work
Speaking with Diaspora Digital News Ya La’ford said, “I create site specific installations, through elaborate and geometric patterns that have been built from intercepting lines and repetitions. My work is a reflection of my Caribbean background. The patterns I use are really about a universal language, so I travelled throughout the US, Europe, Asia and Africa to create work that both aims to stimulate public imagination and inspire interconnectivity. Originally, I had plans to visit the Middle East for inspiration, but the disruption of pandemic has caused me to delve deeper into my local studio practice to reconsider new methods of social connection and creative exchange. To this end, I in effect explored new materiality and its perceived meaning by sculpting new works using precious metals such as gold, silver along with diamonds to find and explore transformation and transcendence.”
Images: Exclusive Artworks of Ya La’ford
Exhibiting at AfroSoul
“Being an African American woman as well as a person who is trying to create social change, art is my way of exploring and inspiring change. And so, I believe that artworks can offer healing, and unite people under this banner of social agency. And so, I try to really focus on cultivating this expression into the fabric of all neighborhoods to bring these experiences to a larger audience. I have been part of many exhibitions especially with Ludlow and I love that my artwork can play a part in considering his stock on the African art narrative that can be told through a set of overlays of abstracts, geometric patterns, forms and trajectories. Through these, we begin to embody the trials, tribulations and victories by highlighting, strengthening and honoring the rich heritage of our people.“
Upcoming Projects
On her upcoming projects, Ya La’ford has this to say:
“I am a very active artist and currently in the middle of doing six projects including two 40-foot pieces for private residences. We are really expanding beyond the United States and the Western hemisphere. Ya La’ford’s work has organically advanced itself to include geometric jewelry and furniture as well. We are also creating larger scale sculptures within these six projects and involved with custom work in many people’s homes in addition to expanding our line to fabric, and interior options. We feel very fortunate to be able to transform spaces and serve as a beacon of inspiration to encourage communities to engage, inspire change that will lead to greater heights of human interconnectivity.
One of the places I’d like to showcase my works in is Dubai. It is a city that is so innovative in the use of cutting-edge technology, ingenuity and creativity and what people are doing reimagining space in a forward-thinking manner. In fact, I would consider creating my largest sculpture or painting in Dubai in the foreseeable future!”
Images: Exclusive Artworks of Ya La’ford
Ya La’ford was born in New York and is a first-generation American of Jamaican heritage. She practiced law briefly in Washington, D.C. after earning a law degree from the University of Florida after which she also earned a Masters in Fine Arts in Boston. She uses her medium as a Multi-media Artist and Painter to advocate for greater human creative expression.
Interview by: Theresa R. Fianko
Images used with full permission of Ya La’ford
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