Belinda Boadu is a vibrant and bubbly thirty-something-year old mother of two with a most caring heart, but intrinsically she is a woman with an insatiable need to see people reach their full potential. This desire has niggled at her throughout her entire life.
Her need to see people succeed in their life paths and journeys is what led her to start Impart & Impact – a consultancy designed to help young people in their education, adults with their careers, business owners, and those with an entrepreneurial spirit with their businesses. She believes strongly that everyone is born for greatness, and it simply takes knowing and understanding your purpose, nurturing it to get there. Often one can better achieve this with a little help along the way.
Her business Impart & Impact does exactly what the name denotes; imparting into people so they can go out there and make an impact! Established in 2013, she has been instrumental in setting many young people on the course to achieve their educational goals and dreams through her private tuition arm. From preschoolers to university students, there has been no limit to her desire to provide innovative ways to help each student understand the problem and work out effective ways to solve them. Belinda has equally been pivotal in providing tools ranging from process documentation and marketing plans to project management to businesses in Europe and Africa. She has further used her gifting as a speaker to provide some much-needed training and inspiration to several organisations in Ghana (Chekki Ghana, SCG, and Ashesi University).
In 2016 Belinda got married to the love of her life and they had their amazing daughter in 2017. It is also the point at which her life completely changed. She realized as a new mum that there was so much that was novel to her, so many questions she had about the nitty-gritty mummy things, and she began to wonder if there might be others who are going through the same thing. She began to imagine this network of mothers at varying stages of the motherhood journey, who could all help each other along the way. These challenges and joys of motherhood motivated her founding ‘Atana Mums’, a super network of mothers providing each other with invaluable friendship support and encouragement to reach the highest heights whilst raising amazing children.
After some planning and thinking through, she began contacting a handful of mum friends who she thought may well be open to the idea. Before she knew it, Atana Mums was well and truly established. Not one to do anything by halves, she significantly upped the ante and developed an amazing structure around the Atana Mum network that sees the mums discuss various topics five days a week that affect women in all spheres of their lives. The network runs several initiatives including promoting entrepreneurship, social meet-ups, charitable exploits and so much more.
Since its humble beginnings, the Atana Mums brand has developed an overarching brand called Atana Women, which provides all women with no prerequisites with valuable information that best informs their decisions as they progress on their womanhood journey. The Atana Women was the platform on which the first Atana Women’s Conference was held in 2019. It saw the coming together of the most prolific speakers across various industries and institutions in Ghana speaking on finance, mental health, business, relationships, and much more. The inaugural conference was themed ‘Woman Own Your Crown’, which was to enforce the message that every woman is a queen and can achieve anything she sets her mind to.
Belinda has since the conference, spent significant time developing the Atana Brand. The year 2020 was set to see the second Atana Women’s conference come to realisation but due to Covid-19, plans had to be put on hold. Where for some Covid-19 has meant a total standstill, to Belinda Covid-19 offered an opportunity for her to develop and pour into the lives of all Atana Mum members with the introduction of Atana expert lead weekly zoom sessions. These sessions are designed to teach and educate the Atana Mum members, allowing them to acquire the knowledge they may otherwise have never had the opportunity to gain. Belinda’s other great passions include a live motivational vlog on YouTube centred predominantly on achieving goals and being purpose-driven called Motivational Moments Live – MML. She also runs an e-commerce business called BellasBlessing with her creative director Blessing Amedu. She further has a cooking outfit called Belinda Boadu Cooking where she indulges her subscribers with her passion for creative home-cooked meals. As part of her Belinda Boadu Cooking exploits, she released her very own kitchen wear range which currently includes stylish, modern Afrocentric aprons and kitchen towels for adults and kids. Belinda has the ambition to release every bit of her potential and passions and is determined to use every opportunity and avenue at her disposal to do so. Thankfully, with her YouTube channel and social media pages, she can do exactly that.

Left: Belinda addressing participants at The Atana Women’s Conference, 2019 Edition
Right: Belinda and husband (Giovani Caleb) at The Atana Women’s Conference, 2019 Edition
How does Belinda do it all you ask?
Well, firstly it would not be possible if I didn’t have God on my side, and He gives me the grace to do it all. I’m also very determined to always follow His lead and ensure I don’t do anything out of His will. Secondly, having a supportive family is everything. From childhood, my mum has always been my greatest supporter. She always instilled in me that there is nothing I cannot achieve. To date, my mother would move heaven and earth to see me succeed! She flew from London to Ghana with zero hesitation at the mere mention of the Atana Women’s Conference and provided me with every support to see it turn into reality.
Having a husband who believes in me is completely invaluable. Being married to a media personality under normal circumstances may have meant that I would have to shrivel into the background but he believes in my capabilities and visions and is always proud to see me succeed. My children are God-sent! With no nannies or housekeeper of any kind, homeschooling, and constant travel between two countries my son and daughter now 6 months and 3 years respectively, never complain. They are always happy to play on their own, especially when I get ultra-busy. They know when to give me space and just get on with it. That being said I don’t take ‘mothering’ for granted at all! I pour every inch of my being into nurturing my babies from the very beginning. They are the reason why I want to do it all. I want them to not need to look beyond their own home, to know that they can succeed and achieve whatever they set their hearts to.

Left: Belinda and her beautiful family.
Right: Belinda and husband (Giovani Caleb) on their wedding day.
I also have the most amazing team of super mums who sit on the Atana board and help me with the operations of the Atana brand. They are key to me actualising my ideas. I believe your team is the key to making your vision come to pass or destroying it, and boy has God given me the very best? Without these amazing women supporting me along with the support I receive from my family, I’m certain the road to releasing all my potential and achieving my dream would be so much harder.
To everyone reading this, I’d like to let you know that you are destined for greatness. There is so much more of you to give so don’t be comfortable with where you are right now. If you think you truly have reached the pinnacle, then this is the time for you to help others get there too. Tap into every opportunity and resource around you to acquire knowledge and better yourself from the person you were yesterday. Belinda is on a mission to make every woman an Atana Woman! A woman that gets to live her best life because she is well informed and has every resource to help her on her womanhood journey at her fingertips. You can follow the Atana Women movement and stay abreast of all the information by following them on Instagram and Facebook – Atana Women. If you are looking for ways to stay inspired and motivated, we highly recommend checking out Motivational Moments Live on Belinda’s YouTube channel; and if you need some professional help Impart & Impact is your one-stop-shop for educational, career, and business needs. To spruce up on your cooking, you can enjoy lovely food inspiration by following the Belinda Boadu Cooking pages on Instagram and Facebook and stay posted for some very exciting developments at that end too. Finally, you can check out our beautiful Afrocentric accessories, skincare, and clothing line on BellasBlessing on Facebook and Instagram.

Belinda, during a YouTube session of Motivational Moments Live
Connect with:
Belinda Boadu on LinkedIn
Atana Women –
Website | Facebook | Instagram
Atana Women’s Conference –
Motivational Moments Live –
Impart & Impact –
Bella’s Blessing –
Belinda Boadu Cooking –
Story by: Impart & Impact
Photo Credits: Belinda Boadu
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You are right Elizabeth, Belinda is amazing!